Week 3

He came to what was his own, but his own people did not accept him. But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born not by natural generation nor by human choice nor by a man’s decision but of God.
And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.... John 1:11-14
It's not always easy
One way of growing in our encounter with God is informed by the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola, as reflected in his his “First Principle and Foundation”.
Another is to ask to understand the nature and seriousness of sin in the human condition as it effects this Encounter with God.
Day 1 -
Graces I ask for:
That all my intentions, actions, and operations may be ordered purely to the service and praise of Divine Majesty.
For insight into the nature and seriousness of sin in the human condition.
Text to consider: Amos 2. 6-8;
Conversation with Jesus
Day 2
Same graces
Text to consider: Is 3.13-17;
Conversation with Jesus or with Mary, Jesus’ Mother
Day 3
Same Graces
Text to consider: Gen 3.1-19.
Conversation with Jesus
Day 4
Same Graces
Repetition of either day – any key insights or places of strong feeling that surface?
Conversation with Jesus
Day 5
Same Graces
Consider the times this past week when you have been frustrated, annoyed, impatient. How did you act? What caused these feelings? Are you ever annoyed or frustrated with the Creator? With Jesus? With the Spirit? Do you know why? What do you do?
Conversation with Jesus and end with an act of Contrition
Day 6
The grace to know your own sin. The grace to recognize the enemy of the human spirit and its effects on you.
Consider the times when you just did not do what you knew God wanted you to do. How did you rationalize it (convince yourself it was ok)? What was the outcome of this behavior – even if small or private? Did you go to regular prayer? Did you complain because it was hard? Did you find something else to do? Did you talk to Jesus about it? Talk to God the Creator? Why or why not?
Conversation with Peter about this behavior.
Day 7
Grace: The ability to know and follow Jesus as friend, companion, and co-worker in His Vineyard
Jn 1. 35-42
Conversation with Jesus – respond to his invitation to the young men who follow him.
REMEMBER: to pray for every other member of our family of parishes. Ask for the grace of interior freedom throughout the day.